Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hello 6 am

Recently I started working out on my Fluidity bar. This morning I was so exhausted, and cold, wrapped up in my warm blanket, but I pulled myself out, dragged out my Fluidity bar, set it up, grabbed some coffee and then got to my work out. I was yawning through most of it, but by the end I felt awake and more energized. Through the rest of the morning I felt very energetic. I know I always feel great after a workout, but I am so reluctant to get out of bed to work out.

I can feel my muscles starting to get stronger, and I'm starting to walk taller.

If I can just keep this up until it's habit to work out rather than to sleep in...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A blog 25 years in the making.

I've been battling weight probably from the day I was born. I was born a little early and a little underweight. That didn't last for very long. I was skinny for a few years, and then around 12 I just overnight tipped the scales in the opposite direction.

I have steadily climbed up in weight since then, and it is time to stop. I'm the yo-yo dieter who lost 20 lbs, gained 30 lbs. Lost 10 lbs, gained 15 lbs, always heavier than when I started. I need to get this under control, for the last time.

About a year ago I went to my doctor for a mole on my face, nothing major, and he was honest. He told me that everything else on my chart is healthy - my blood pressure, my blood sugar, my cholesterol. The one thing that was a ticking time bomb is my weight. With my family history, he said I was lucky not to have all of those problems, but that he couldn't guarantee how long my luck would last.

He mentioned the Lap Band surgery and other weight loss surgical options. I loved that doctor. He provided me the opportunity to consider the possibility without pressure to make a decision right away. Most people take a year or more to decide on having the surgery.

I decided several months ago that once I had insurance I would pursue the Lap Band procedure. I now have insurance, and I have decided to start the road for my final weight loss journey, which includes changing my diet and exercise prior to surgery.

I know this sounds silly, but I have been watching exercise infommercials for a few months, trying to decide what excercise plan I would be able to stick with. If there were dvd's that looked fun, I added them to my Netflix plan and tested them.

I finally found something I wanted to try, but I waited for a few months before deciding to order it. I ordered Fluidity, and so far I love it! The dvd doesn't look like you're doing much, but once you start following along, you definitely feel it!

I am starting this blog to keep the feeling of motivation and success, as well as encourage any one else on my same journey.

Stay Tuned.