Saturday, December 31, 2011

What I'm leaving behind with 2011

What I am leaving behind in 2011:
  • The 300 lb club
  • Super morbid obesity
  • Morbid obesity
  • Plus size clothes
  • 78 lbs
  • Pain in my knees after 30 minutes of exercise
  • 85% of my stomach

Things I am looking forward to in 2012:

  • Onederland
  • More clothing options
  • Sassy attitude shining through
  • Jogging a 5k instead of just walking it
  • Sculpting muscles to add shape
  • More hair (okay, so I am slightly superficial)

I reflected on this year with my parents over dinner, and it has truly been a roller coaster of a ride! Just a year ago I lost my job and was in shock. As I started processing the change, my brother shattered his elbow during an ice storm. As Jon began to heal and was able to finally blow his own nose, put in his own contacts, take his own blood sugar, give himself insulin, etc., my job search kicked into high gear, and I was recruited for my current job. This job brought new challenges, insurance that covered my surgery, and a great team who supported me and my desk while I was out. Everything else is just a blur to me.

I have learned my sleeve's language of sorts. I have more good days than bad days, and even the bad days are manageable. It is still hard work. Having this surgery just gave me a tool - I still have to choose to use it each day. Some people lose a lot of weight after this surgery without exercising, but my body operates differently. I lose when I don't exercise, but not nearly as much as when I do. Therefore, I must get off my tush and exercise! I have done well in this arena due to the encouragement of my coach at the Y, Lynn, and my best friend Liz whose voice is always in my head, chiding me to make the right decision. I find myself enjoying the challenges of weight machines and the movement on the elliptical. I even enjoy jogging on the trail when I can get outside.

The most exciting thing so far has been the new world of fashion open to me now that I'm down in size. I walked into Chico's and Coldwater Creek today and was greeted with respect. They wanted to help me find clothes. No "sorry, we don't carry your size" or "plus size is in this section". When I explained to them about surgery and dropping weight fast, the sales ladies at both stores were excited for me and helped me look at clothes that would transition well as I lose weight. Chico's even reminded me of their free stylist appointment whenever I felt that I was at my happy weight. "My happy weight." That could be a whole other blog post...maybe it will be next year...

Anyways, it is past 9 pm here on the East Coast, and we already celebrated New Years with England. We rang in the new year with champagne decadence truffles. It's okay, Liz, I only had one! I am off to bed like an old lady. Maybe next year I'll be all dressed up with somewhere to go. This year I am just thankful for a wonderful year, fantastic family, and amazing friends. I am going to go crawl into my heated bed and drift into sweet dreams as the new year arrives.

Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 month update - just a little late

Day of Surgery:
December 6:
As you can see, 3 months is a huge difference! I am down 69 lbs from my heighest weight, 36 lbs from the day of surgery. Some call me a slow loser because it's "only" 12 lbs/month. I have dropped inches, and I am building muscle. I have dropped 3 jean sizes and 4 skirt sizes. I have not worn this size since my freshman year of college. I cannot even believe that. WOOHOO!

I had a hard time keeping up with exercise the week of Thanksgiving and the week after, but I am back on schedule, 5 days of cardio, 3 days of weight machines. I have also started training for a 5k in March and maybe another one in April. Hoping to jog/run more than 50% of it.
The dreaded hair loss has started, although my doctor says to anticipate it getting worse, peaking around 4-6 months, before it gets better. I am already pulling clumps of hair out every time I wash it, brush it, touch it, think of it. Hopefully I still have enough hair to not get frost bite on my scalp this winter. Ha!

My 3 month follow up went well. I was hoping to hit 50 lbs post-op by that appointment, but that's okay. The inches I've lost are unbelievable. I now have to wear petite pants...never knew I was petite proportioned.

This past weekend my friend Liz and I went to see the Grinch at the Fabulous Fox here in Atlanta. I was so excited my arms fit by my side while in my seat! I had seen Wicked with my sister in the same theatre just after surgery, and I had to keep my arms on the armrest to give myself enough room to be comfortable. What a difference 3 months can make. I am SO excited to see where I am in another 3 months.

Thank you again to all of my friends, family and supporters. You help me find motivation in every day life to propel me into greater things! May this journey continue to be sweet.