Monday, July 23, 2012

Pictures as promised!

I guess it's time to get a new shirt for pictures. :)  Oh - and my brother pointed out - there's a doorknob behind me!

So tired of the loose skin but still have more weight to lose before I personally would be ready to consider removal. It's a nuisance, but I have to do what I have to do.

Day of surgery --> 10 month ish update.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Update long over due

I apparently can't keep pictures of my weight loss journey to save my life, as I have taken pictures repeatedly and can't find them.

So without pictures, I guess I am left with words.  It's been an interesting few months since I last posted.  I am sorry for neglecting every one!  I don't know how, but I blinked, May was gone, I sneezed and there went June.  How did we get to mid-July already??

A quick rewind: May brought my birthday.  I had a blast celebrating with friends and family several times.  We also drove to Mt. Carmel, IL to visit family...and celebrate my brother's new fiance!  Yay!  It was especially fun because my family had not seen me since surgery, and it was great to see their faces. 

June started with a great girls' weekend with my small group in Chattanooga.  It was amazing!!  We did Ruby Falls and See Rock City.  I think I was tiring them out with all the walking we did.  I even got through Fat Man Squeeze and the Eye of the Needle...very tight spaces that had me slightly claustrophobic.  We walked all around downtown Chattanooga and just enjoyed hanging out.  I had one weekend at home and then it was time for the family reunion in Ohio.  We spent a week "camping" with some of my favorite cousins, aunts, and uncles.  I had some really bad allergies at the start, but after a lot of allergy pills and sleep, I started feeling better.  I even went to the gym my cousin's wife works at for 3 classes in 2 days.  My muscles were so sore, but it felt so good!  We came back through Mt. Carmel and then home on Father's Day.  The next Friday, it was time to move!!!

I moved on the hottest day on record in Atlanta history.  Moving had its moments, but I have spent the last few weeks settling in.  Charlie loves it here, once he's figured out this is his new home.  We go on walks at least twice a day, or on days like today, three!  My neighbors are cool so far, though I have only met them in passing.  There are a lot of other dogs in my neighborhood, and Charlie is friendly with most of them.

I know you guys are disappointed by the lack of pictures, but I promise to get them retaken Saturday!  In the meantime...the new weight loss total...after an almost 3 month stall....107 lbs lost total!!!  ONE HUNDRED SEVEN.  That is 32% of my original weight.  I have almost lost 1/3 of the original me!

Official photos to come, but to tide you over, here are a few from vacation: