Sunday, November 25, 2012

Overdue for a posting...again

Hey guys!

I am so horrible at staying on top of my blog, and I apologize.  Lately I have been really busy, and I guess we could all use that excuse at any time.  I have found that I am really good at using excuses.  Bad habits die hard, I suppose.

In the past few months, my weight hasn't moved much, which has been frustrating.  At first, I thought it was just my body recovering from the shock of losing 67% of my excess weight, then I thought maybe I am just being too hard on myself.  The excuses came pretty easily, and the sad part is I am making these excuses to myself!

The truth of the matter is, there will always be plateaus and struggles.  There will be times when I'm losing inches and not pounds.  But there are also actions on my part that have contributed to weight loss slowing down/halting/annoying me to no end!  I have seen carbs sneak back into my diet.  I haven't been guzzling water like I should.  I have let my knee issues prevent me from doing alternate exercises.  I've ignored my support system.  I have shifted my focus to other areas where I'm failing just as miserably.

All this to say, my journey is not over.  I am dusting myself off and getting back on this bike.  As my favorite Paula often reminds us, this surgery is a tool.  And it's a tool I'll have forever.  So I fell down.  I just have to get back up and start using my tool again.

It may seem foolish to be gearing up to start from square one during the holidays where temptation is going to be everywhere.  I know this, but I also know that my health, my well-being and my willpower is more important than some seasonal treats that I will only regret when the scale remains on the same number for yet another week (ok, ok, I am also guilty of the daily weigh in that I've preached against for so long!).

I have access to my complex gym that has an elliptical, and my plan is to bring my workout clothes with me to work.  When I get home, I will park and walk straight to the complex, get 30 minutes in, then go home to let Charlie out and use our walk as a cool down.  The scale will not move if I'm not moving.

I also will be carrying a water bottle with me and trying to force myself to drink every time I think about it, and more times than not when I'm not thinking about it.  Here's where you get to poke me.  Anytime you see me without a water bottle, I give you permission to guilt me into finding water immediately.

I'm also working with a therapist on my stress management and stress eating.  I have always been an emotional eater, regardless of the emotion.  It is so hard to battle that on my own, so I have sought help from a trained professional who is helping me identify the triggers and alternative appropriate responses.  I've only seen her for a few weeks, but the insight she's spoken into my life is incredible.  Maybe some day I can open that side for a peek.  No guarantees.

And just to summarize the last couple weeks and future weeks to give some insight on what I'm juggling: my brother and my sister in law were married Nov 17.  We had Thanksgiving with the whole family in town this week.  Coming up is travel for work, the singles Christmas event, my brother's mediation for an accident he was in over 5 years ago, Christmas, and more travel for work in the New Year.  Doesn't sound too crazy in writing, but all that goes into preparation can be overwhelming.  Hoping to keep a balance and stop every now and again to just enjoy the holiday season!

I will take pictures later this week and do an official 15 month progress pic post, maybe next week.

Thanks for trekking with me through this crazy journey!!