Sunday, March 19, 2017

When reasons become excuses

Hello to my people on the interwebs...I know there's been some radio silence lately when it comes to my weight loss progress. I have always promised honesty and transparency, and, well, it's about to get real. My weight loss has reversed in the past 18 months. I have a million reasons. I started nursing school. I got married (woohoo!). I've been physically exhausted without any medical answers. My knee has hurt. I am driving a lot more than last semester, and I am just too tired when I get home. I am working at the hospital on weekends and nannying during the week. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough energy. Did I mention I started nursing school? But all these reasons have become excuses, and I need to own up to these excuses in order to make progress again. Excuses do not help when my jeans no longer fit.

I have always had issues seeing myself the way others do, but typically I have just seen myself as a larger version in my head than others see in person. Until yesterday. Yesterday I saw some pictures of me taken this weekend, and it just made me sad. I have absolutely put weight back on, and it's time to take back control.

Then I received a shirt in the mail that I was so super excited to see online, in the size I was at the beginning of last summer. I tried it on, and, well, that's the picture at the end of this post. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. No more. No more excuses. Let's tackle these reasons. Break them into tiny chunks and conquer them! First reasons to tackle: time management/planning and energy levels. Starting tomorrow I am going to make a weekly schedule to work in time for exercise and time for rest. I am also going to plan out meals so I am not tempted to swing through the drive-thru. I am also going to make my mini-meatloaf to stock the freezer and keep easy meals on-hand for me. For my energy levels I will be restarting my vitamins (had to stop them in August on doctor orders) and scheduling a follow up with my bariatric surgeon to see if we can identify any medical issues that are contributing to this weight gain. I'm 5 1/2 years out from surgery, and I know it's harder for me to lose weight now than it was immediately post-op. It's going to be hard work, but I need additional help to get moving in the right direction.

My husband Lanny is by my side every step of this way, and I can't even tell you how supportive he is. He encourages me to be my best without making me feel bad about myself in my current state. Together we are going to become the best versions of ourselves, and I look forward to updating this blog with progress as we knock these excuses out!