Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2 weeks update - first postop

*deep breath* I feel like so much has happened and yet nothing has happened.

Sunday I had noticed my largest incision had opened up and was painful! I called my surgeon's office who paged the surgeon. He called me back before I had time to walk to the kitchen for some water! He was so nice, and he assured me as long as it wasn't oozing, swollen or red around the opening, I would be fine as long as I kept it dry. He was right. It has since scabbed over.

Today, I went to my first post op appointment with the nurse (surgeon was still in surgery). I wasn't nervous because I've been doing everything on my task list for a successful recovery. The nurse saw my incisions, and she says everything looks great. I stepped on the scale hoping for some great results...and was disappointed to only see 4 lbs gone. The nurse read my face immediately and reminded me that with 2 nights in the hospital I had easily gained 10 lbs of fluid, so really I had lost 14 lbs since coming home and that I should be happy. We went over my hospital stay, my recovery, my diet, what I'm able to eat, etc. She said I am right on target for where I am.

I guess I was just down because I thought I'd lost more than that! In fact, I was walking out of Wal-Mart last night and my pants almost dropped! Luckily I caught them in time - boy would that be embarrassing. ha.

I shared some of my frustration with my best friends, and of course they remind me this is a marathon, not a sprint, and that 2 weeks ago I was laying in a hospital bed after major surgery. The fact I'm up and able to do as much as I am is huge! And I should be celebrating - I was at my highest weight at 333...I am now 296. I am out of the 300's FOREVER. Those pounds are gone. FOREVER. This is not a yo yo diet where I will gain back everything I've lost and then some. Now here is where you can laugh with me - those in the weight loss world call this TWOterville. *insert train noise here* woo woo. Next stop: ONEderland (I know - months down the road, but Marta announces it's next stop as soon as you're on your way...right?)

On a side note, I tried Nectar proteins yesterday for the first time. I got a sample pack with 10 different flavors. This morning I had Cappuccino flavor - AMAZING. Maybe with more protein I will heal faster so my body lets go some of this weight a little faster?

I also got cleared to take Prilosec OTC for my heart burn, probiotics so I can eat dairy again, and the flu shot. :)

I am working little by little. I was hoping to be full time in some capacity, but I was able to work 5 hours in a row today! Came home and crashed for a 2 hour completely LIGHTS OUT nap. My mom came in and talked to me and usually I am able to at least half answer. She said I didn't even stir. Hoping to try another 5 hours tomorrow. Each day I am stronger, so we can only go up from here, right?

Thanks for staying on this journey with me - knowing I have people that care about me keeps pushing me forward!

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