Thursday, December 20, 2012

15 months post and my little complication

Well, I don't remember the exact weight the day I took this picture, but as of this morning, I am down 122 lbs.  I'll take it. :)

It's been a bumpy road, with highs and lows.

High - first plane trip after surgery - no seatbelt extender - and I had room to spare!  I almost cried.  Okay, I may have shed a few tears.  Luckily the guy next to me didn't speak English, which only made it more interesting when I accidentally dumped my cup of coffee down his leg mid-flight.  Hopefully "Sorry" is understood in all languages?

Low - after a weekend in Orlando, I could no longer keep solid foods down.  I threw up and thought maybe I had somehow eaten too much at lunch or the food just wasn't moist enough.  Unfortunately, I didn't get better when I got home.  I thought maybe it was just my hectic pace as work has been insane, life is crazy, and what are you going to do?  I resigned myself to restarting my post-op diet of all liquids, then move to mushies, then soft protein, then back to a full diet.  That's the pattern anytime I'm sick for the rest of my life.  I complained about being back on liquids in my online support forum, and my bariatric nurse and fellow wls patients pushed me to call my doctor, even though I didn't think it was anything serious.  Apparently, at least this once in my life, I was wrong.  When I called the surgeon's office, I expected a call back to say I was doing the right thing and call back if I wasn't better.  Instead, the call back was a scheduling call for an endoscopy.  My surgeon did the procedure, and while he was exploring my little sleeve, he saw that the bottom part of what's left of my stomach was smaller than my pinkey finger.  They call it a stricture, and he had to insert a balloon catheter into my stomach then dilate it (blow it up) to carefully stretch my stomach open.  I woke up with a very sore throat (expected with any endoscopy) but the nausea I had felt 24/7 was gone.  I should also mention that I have a hard time recovering from anesthesia.  While I can now eat solid food again (working towards it at least!), I am still exhausted.  This time they were able to wake me up a lot easier, but almost a week later I still feel tired.  Have to follow up with the doctor in another week and see how I am doing.  It can take a few times before the stricture stays gone, but I am hoping I am a lucky one that only needed the procedure once.

If this is the worst complication I've had to deal with, I think I'm doing pretty good.

Thanks to all my family and friends that have helped me get to this point and who continue to propel me forward.  Friends who tell me what I need to hear instead of what I want to hear; friends who spend their morning in the hospital after they were in a minor car accident just so they could drive me home after my procedure.  Friends who send me funny texts when I'm down.  Friends who join me on my liquid diet.  Friends who notice and celebrate each milestone.  I love you all, and I am so thankful to call you friends.

Merry Christmas to all!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Overdue for a posting...again

Hey guys!

I am so horrible at staying on top of my blog, and I apologize.  Lately I have been really busy, and I guess we could all use that excuse at any time.  I have found that I am really good at using excuses.  Bad habits die hard, I suppose.

In the past few months, my weight hasn't moved much, which has been frustrating.  At first, I thought it was just my body recovering from the shock of losing 67% of my excess weight, then I thought maybe I am just being too hard on myself.  The excuses came pretty easily, and the sad part is I am making these excuses to myself!

The truth of the matter is, there will always be plateaus and struggles.  There will be times when I'm losing inches and not pounds.  But there are also actions on my part that have contributed to weight loss slowing down/halting/annoying me to no end!  I have seen carbs sneak back into my diet.  I haven't been guzzling water like I should.  I have let my knee issues prevent me from doing alternate exercises.  I've ignored my support system.  I have shifted my focus to other areas where I'm failing just as miserably.

All this to say, my journey is not over.  I am dusting myself off and getting back on this bike.  As my favorite Paula often reminds us, this surgery is a tool.  And it's a tool I'll have forever.  So I fell down.  I just have to get back up and start using my tool again.

It may seem foolish to be gearing up to start from square one during the holidays where temptation is going to be everywhere.  I know this, but I also know that my health, my well-being and my willpower is more important than some seasonal treats that I will only regret when the scale remains on the same number for yet another week (ok, ok, I am also guilty of the daily weigh in that I've preached against for so long!).

I have access to my complex gym that has an elliptical, and my plan is to bring my workout clothes with me to work.  When I get home, I will park and walk straight to the complex, get 30 minutes in, then go home to let Charlie out and use our walk as a cool down.  The scale will not move if I'm not moving.

I also will be carrying a water bottle with me and trying to force myself to drink every time I think about it, and more times than not when I'm not thinking about it.  Here's where you get to poke me.  Anytime you see me without a water bottle, I give you permission to guilt me into finding water immediately.

I'm also working with a therapist on my stress management and stress eating.  I have always been an emotional eater, regardless of the emotion.  It is so hard to battle that on my own, so I have sought help from a trained professional who is helping me identify the triggers and alternative appropriate responses.  I've only seen her for a few weeks, but the insight she's spoken into my life is incredible.  Maybe some day I can open that side for a peek.  No guarantees.

And just to summarize the last couple weeks and future weeks to give some insight on what I'm juggling: my brother and my sister in law were married Nov 17.  We had Thanksgiving with the whole family in town this week.  Coming up is travel for work, the singles Christmas event, my brother's mediation for an accident he was in over 5 years ago, Christmas, and more travel for work in the New Year.  Doesn't sound too crazy in writing, but all that goes into preparation can be overwhelming.  Hoping to keep a balance and stop every now and again to just enjoy the holiday season!

I will take pictures later this week and do an official 15 month progress pic post, maybe next week.

Thanks for trekking with me through this crazy journey!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One year update

I will post more sentiments later but know some of you are dying to see pictures and hear the number.

Without further adieu, at one year out, I am down 117 lbs! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pictures as promised!

I guess it's time to get a new shirt for pictures. :)  Oh - and my brother pointed out - there's a doorknob behind me!

So tired of the loose skin but still have more weight to lose before I personally would be ready to consider removal. It's a nuisance, but I have to do what I have to do.

Day of surgery --> 10 month ish update.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Update long over due

I apparently can't keep pictures of my weight loss journey to save my life, as I have taken pictures repeatedly and can't find them.

So without pictures, I guess I am left with words.  It's been an interesting few months since I last posted.  I am sorry for neglecting every one!  I don't know how, but I blinked, May was gone, I sneezed and there went June.  How did we get to mid-July already??

A quick rewind: May brought my birthday.  I had a blast celebrating with friends and family several times.  We also drove to Mt. Carmel, IL to visit family...and celebrate my brother's new fiance!  Yay!  It was especially fun because my family had not seen me since surgery, and it was great to see their faces. 

June started with a great girls' weekend with my small group in Chattanooga.  It was amazing!!  We did Ruby Falls and See Rock City.  I think I was tiring them out with all the walking we did.  I even got through Fat Man Squeeze and the Eye of the Needle...very tight spaces that had me slightly claustrophobic.  We walked all around downtown Chattanooga and just enjoyed hanging out.  I had one weekend at home and then it was time for the family reunion in Ohio.  We spent a week "camping" with some of my favorite cousins, aunts, and uncles.  I had some really bad allergies at the start, but after a lot of allergy pills and sleep, I started feeling better.  I even went to the gym my cousin's wife works at for 3 classes in 2 days.  My muscles were so sore, but it felt so good!  We came back through Mt. Carmel and then home on Father's Day.  The next Friday, it was time to move!!!

I moved on the hottest day on record in Atlanta history.  Moving had its moments, but I have spent the last few weeks settling in.  Charlie loves it here, once he's figured out this is his new home.  We go on walks at least twice a day, or on days like today, three!  My neighbors are cool so far, though I have only met them in passing.  There are a lot of other dogs in my neighborhood, and Charlie is friendly with most of them.

I know you guys are disappointed by the lack of pictures, but I promise to get them retaken Saturday!  In the meantime...the new weight loss total...after an almost 3 month stall....107 lbs lost total!!!  ONE HUNDRED SEVEN.  That is 32% of my original weight.  I have almost lost 1/3 of the original me!

Official photos to come, but to tide you over, here are a few from vacation:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

7 Months

Well, it was a bit of a quiet month as far as weight loss progress. 7 month mark was 98 lbs lost. How frustrating to be so close to a big milestone and not be able to push past it!

I decided to stay OFF the scale for 2 weeks and just focus on protein. Results will come up with my next monthly update! :)

As for the workout playlist contest, I have a first and second place winner! First place winner is Melissa S. She sent me 2 separate mixes with some additional songs and remixes that have expanded my music collection. Not sure which is my favorite, as some of the mash-ups were amazing!!! Second place winner is Kristi E. who introduced me to some new Latin songs to keep pushing through my workout with a smile on my face. Thank you to every one who helped me expand my music choices for working out.

Stay tuned for the 100 lb milestone and 100 lb food donation!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

6 months came and left!

Hi everyone!

I am sorry I am so late in my 6 month update. Life has been so crazy I just haven't had time to process it all.

As you can see in the pics above, I am still shrinking, though the shrink rate has slowed down a bit. 96 lbs total weight loss since my highest weight!

February was a busy month! I went to 2 hockey games, babysat my favorite munchkins and had our first annual girls' weekend in Nashville, TN! We walked everywhere, and I was able to keep up with my two "normal" friends. It was so amazing to walk around and not worry about when I could sit down to catch my breath. I think I may have worn them out for a change!

5K update - I tried to register for the Color Run but it sold out in record time! They opened an encore race the following weekend, but I am scheduled for tea with some very important guests. I am waiting to hear back on registration for San Francisco in the end of July. All my California friends need to sign up so we can walk/jog/run together!

That being said, I have not selected a winner for the playlist contest yet, so send in your suggestions soon!

Post-op loss *knock on wood* has stopped and my normal hair is growing back. Loose skin...becoming more evident and is getting in my way. I am wearing tanks that have tummy control to try to hold up the loose skin so that it doesn't bother me during the day. When I roll over in my sleep, I sometimes get stuck on my stomach, like when you roll over and a sheet is stuck under you, except it's skin. ha, I laugh at myself with this imagery. I apologize if any one gets grossed out by it.

I continue to do water aerobics, and I recently started a new class at the gym - TRX suspension training. I already see more definition, and you will see it in the next update! THANK YOU to my awesome trainer Lynn who kicks my tail and then encourages me to keep going strong. And thank you to the makers of epsom salt that helps relieve the pain afterwards.

Hope everyone is doing well!! Until next time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

5 month update a few days late

I am not sure how February became so busy, but I lost all track of time!
I am loving the changes I'm seeing. Apparently others are noticing, too. A lady that works on my floor ran into me in the break room and commented that I was just melting away. What a boost!
I have also started seeing a chiropractor who has identified some issues with my spine we need to do some serious work on, but he is optimistic and even said I may end up 2 inches taller if it all gets straightened out. Treatment is definitely helping me as my posture adjusts to carrying less weight all around. Sleeping is slightly easier.
My weight loss support group leader always says our goals should not be solely based on the scale, but as of January 31, I hit the 88 lbs weight loss mark. I've lost a lot more since then, as I caught the stomach bug earlier this week. Trying to stay hydrated was hard in the beginning, but it's gotten easier. People ask what you do post op when you're sick. Well, you're sick just like you were pre-op, but you have to worry more about hydration because once you're dehydrated, it gets bad fast. Post op I'm also back on my diet of clear liquids for a few days, full liquids for a few days, then onto mushies. My stomach is so tender, and I really do have to be gentle with it. The nice thing (if there's anything nice about being sick!) is that I still haven't felt hunger, so going back to fluids has not been difficult.
This past month I have also come out of my shell even further. At a hockey game a few weeks ago, I was selected to participate in a contest on the big screen and I hammed it up. I loved every minute of it!
Now for the fun part - where am I going?
My goal was to hit 100 lb lost before my 6 month mark. I'm not as concerned about it although I sure would like to click that box regardless of what day it happens. What I plan on doing when I hit that 100 lb mark is to donate 100 lbs of food to my local food shelter. I will definitely take a picture so you can get an idea of what 100 lbs of food looks like.
(When I hit the 88 lb loss, I carried my dog's 44 lb food bag around and still couldn't wrap my head around that I've lost 2 of those!!!)
First fun thing: I would really like to challenge my readers to donate food to their local food bank as well! Some of you have told me how I have inspired and encouraged you - let's use that energy in a practical way to help others, too. When you give, please share your story with me!
Second fun thing: I want to complete a 5k in the next 2 months. I'd like to come up with a playlist to jog/walk/sprint to. I want you to submit your playlist ideas to me on here or on Facebook or in email. If I use your playlist, I will give you a iTunes gift card! *This giveaway is not sponsored by Facebook, Blogger, Gmail, or any one other than me.* Winner will be announced in my 6 month update.
I always look forward to your comments and feedback, so don't be shy. Until next time!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What a difference 2 years makes!!!!

My mom chose today to take down our Christmas tree and decorations. One of the pictures she found while cleaning was one of me that was taken about 2 years ago when we were in the North Georgia mountains. My dad and I went back for a daddy/daughter date in November and tried to remember where the picture had been taken so that we could do a comparison view. So we didn't get the exact spot where the original was, but not too far off!

The funny thing is, when I see the picture from 2 years ago, I don't think I ever saw myself that big in the mirror, or even in the picture in the previous 2 years. My mind somehow morphed the image to match what I saw in the mirror. Seeing these two pictures in contrast, however, has been insane! I am starting to see the new me in the mirror, and I am enjoying it.

For your viewing pleasure....

What a difference!