Friday, February 10, 2012

5 month update a few days late

I am not sure how February became so busy, but I lost all track of time!
I am loving the changes I'm seeing. Apparently others are noticing, too. A lady that works on my floor ran into me in the break room and commented that I was just melting away. What a boost!
I have also started seeing a chiropractor who has identified some issues with my spine we need to do some serious work on, but he is optimistic and even said I may end up 2 inches taller if it all gets straightened out. Treatment is definitely helping me as my posture adjusts to carrying less weight all around. Sleeping is slightly easier.
My weight loss support group leader always says our goals should not be solely based on the scale, but as of January 31, I hit the 88 lbs weight loss mark. I've lost a lot more since then, as I caught the stomach bug earlier this week. Trying to stay hydrated was hard in the beginning, but it's gotten easier. People ask what you do post op when you're sick. Well, you're sick just like you were pre-op, but you have to worry more about hydration because once you're dehydrated, it gets bad fast. Post op I'm also back on my diet of clear liquids for a few days, full liquids for a few days, then onto mushies. My stomach is so tender, and I really do have to be gentle with it. The nice thing (if there's anything nice about being sick!) is that I still haven't felt hunger, so going back to fluids has not been difficult.
This past month I have also come out of my shell even further. At a hockey game a few weeks ago, I was selected to participate in a contest on the big screen and I hammed it up. I loved every minute of it!
Now for the fun part - where am I going?
My goal was to hit 100 lb lost before my 6 month mark. I'm not as concerned about it although I sure would like to click that box regardless of what day it happens. What I plan on doing when I hit that 100 lb mark is to donate 100 lbs of food to my local food shelter. I will definitely take a picture so you can get an idea of what 100 lbs of food looks like.
(When I hit the 88 lb loss, I carried my dog's 44 lb food bag around and still couldn't wrap my head around that I've lost 2 of those!!!)
First fun thing: I would really like to challenge my readers to donate food to their local food bank as well! Some of you have told me how I have inspired and encouraged you - let's use that energy in a practical way to help others, too. When you give, please share your story with me!
Second fun thing: I want to complete a 5k in the next 2 months. I'd like to come up with a playlist to jog/walk/sprint to. I want you to submit your playlist ideas to me on here or on Facebook or in email. If I use your playlist, I will give you a iTunes gift card! *This giveaway is not sponsored by Facebook, Blogger, Gmail, or any one other than me.* Winner will be announced in my 6 month update.
I always look forward to your comments and feedback, so don't be shy. Until next time!


M Shriver said...

You are doing so crazy awesome! Love how cute your face is looking! You are rocking that sleeve! :-) I am sending you my two fave workout mixes- they are 30 min sets, and they are awesome, if I do say so myself. :-)

RArbery said...

Great job! Nigel and I are doing the North side Forsyth Boulder Dash on April 28. It's a run through the La Farge cement quarry. It's a 5k if you're interested. Nice thing is that it's close.

Nicole said...

You look amazing!! I cannot believe how skinny you are getting. Keep it up friend!!!