Sunday, April 15, 2012

7 Months

Well, it was a bit of a quiet month as far as weight loss progress. 7 month mark was 98 lbs lost. How frustrating to be so close to a big milestone and not be able to push past it!

I decided to stay OFF the scale for 2 weeks and just focus on protein. Results will come up with my next monthly update! :)

As for the workout playlist contest, I have a first and second place winner! First place winner is Melissa S. She sent me 2 separate mixes with some additional songs and remixes that have expanded my music collection. Not sure which is my favorite, as some of the mash-ups were amazing!!! Second place winner is Kristi E. who introduced me to some new Latin songs to keep pushing through my workout with a smile on my face. Thank you to every one who helped me expand my music choices for working out.

Stay tuned for the 100 lb milestone and 100 lb food donation!


M Shriver said...

Yay! I love them, too. :)I am so proud of you Amy!

tgardezy said...

You're rockin it Amy! Great Job! Well done! Dont look at what you didnt do and focus on what you did! 98 lbs in 7 months is incredible!

Karen Vaughan said...

You look amazing! Don't worry it will come...I've had a stall for a month now but today a new pound came off. I feel as good as you look!

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh!!I see a lot of change in this month from last month! I LOVE your hair. Looking good girl :)