Sunday, May 12, 2013

20 months out

Day of Surgery
 Mother's Day 2013

So much has already happened in May, but I will save that for the 21 month update. The above pic is from Mother's Day, but April just got away from me too fast!

The numbers didn't move much, just enough to tease me.  My surgeon really wants me back on an appetite suppressant that seems to jump start my metabolism.  I am still hesitant.  I did a 2 week trial and lost 10 lbs earlier this year, but I was also very agitated and irritable.  My friend who is pharmacist suggested talking about a lower dose to see if the side effects would lessen.  I am still debating.  We will see.

Work has been stressful with adjustments and changes.  When I started this job over 2 years ago, there was another newbie, and we stuck together from the start.  I have great respect for him, and he decided to leave our company for another opportunity. The news was sudden to me, and it really shook me up a bit.  Every time a team member leaves or joins a team, the dynamics shift.  Our team has gone through so many changes and shifts; I should be used to this by now.

I am working hard to shift my focus on what I can control, including my choice to go to the gym.  I have to thank my friend Eric who removed my excuses to not work out.  I do find it so helpful to hit the elliptical when I am struggling through thoughts, and it does help me clear my mind.  I am also building more muscle, which means a slimmer shape and smaller clothes.  I can't wait for my birthday dinner this week to show off my new dress! 

Other happenings in April - I now have a new migraine pattern.  First time in several years where I was out for most of a week of work!  I ended up seeing my PCP before seeing a neurologist.  New medications and watching for patterns.  I call this migraine style the "ice pick to the brain".  Other than the obvious pain, this one also included visual disturbances and temporary partial loss of sight.  Because of these new symptoms, I was especially worried and anxious to see the neurologist.  As soon as he heard about the wavy vision I was experiencing, he relaxed and confirmed it was a migraine because nothing else would have caused that visual.  That put me at ease.  He also worked by the light of his laptop (overhead lights out b/c of my light sensitivity), spoke to me in whispers, and outlined an immediate plan for that day (Friday), a backup plan (Saturday), and an emergency plan if the pain wasn't gone by Sunday.  If you ever need a neurologist - I would HIGHLY recommend him! 

I think that's all.  Oh, and when did my legs start looking normal/skinny/not fat?

Stay tuned for the 21 month update after Memorial Day!

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