Saturday, September 24, 2011

24 day update

Back by popular demand! I really do love knowing you guys are following this and sharing in my journey.

The past week has been very eventful in a good way. I won't lie - I had been so discouraged with how little it took to exhaust me. However, I started getting in more protein and moving a little more without overdoing it. I still try to take it easy and take a nap when it's needed.

This past week, I slowly worked my way back to full time AND driving myself to work again. Tuesday my sister picked me up from work after 5.5 hours (my first day back with a lunch break!) and took me to the mall where I got a smoothie with some protein (this could become an expensive addiction) and then we drove down to Atlantic Station. I dozed a little in the car ride. We walked around the Target at Atlantic Station and then walked around a small portion of the stores. I fell in love with West Elm - a store I previously did not know existed. It is my new favorite store!!! Then we headed over to the fabulous Fox theatre to put our names in the lottery for $25 Wicked tickets. (They do this 2 1/2 hours before every show!) Elise's name was drawn, and she was able to get 2 tickets for us - 2nd row!!!! After we got the tickets, we walked to dinner at Engine 11 - a former firehouse turned tavern with these amazing bleu cheese chips. Yes, I was bad and had a few. Too many. And I paid for it. Our salad came out (we were going to split it) and I couldn't eat a single bite because I was so uncomfortable I wanted to vomit. I really need to stop 3 bites before I think I'm done so I don't overdo it!

This may be TMI so if you don't like hearing about my body's reaction, just skip this paragraph. When I eat too much, I get hot flashes, I can't breathe as well, and I start to burp more than the normal post surgery bubbles. So I went to find the bathroom which apparently was up a whole flight of stairs, across the building and down a shady hallway. I splash water on my face before I realize there are no paper towels left in the dispenser!! Luckily some one before me had pulled out too many paper towels and there was a stack near the top of the trash. I am usually very OCD and wouldn't touch anything in the trash, but there was enough of a pile I could pick one in the middle. It was that or use toilet paper...ha!

Okay, so anyways, then Elise and I walked back to the theatre. Once inside we found the curtain where we'd enter when seating began, then went to explore the ladies lounge and restroom. The lounge was so cool, and I was still feeling a bit warm, so we hung out on a really cool couch while watching women try to figure out the roped path to the bathroom.

We went up to our seats just before the show and really enjoyed the whole evening! Because of my poor choice at dinner, I was starting to get shaky by the time the show ended, so we drove through Checkers (YUM!) and I don't think anything has ever tasted so good, even if I could only eat half the patty (no bun), 2 pickles and 2 french fries (who can resist Checkers fries????)

Tuesday night was the first time since surgery that I started to feel normal. I made it to work Wednesday morning and worked a little more than Tuesday. Thursday and Friday were both full days!

Each day seems to get better than the one before with a few exceptions. Friday I was a lot more tired, and protein that was okay Thursday was not okay Friday. Still learning what my sleeve will tolerate.

Also new this week, I am always cold (except when I eat too much)! In fact, as I am typing this, I am under my Snuggie with my faithful dog Charlie curled up on my lap.

Today my friend Liz came over and recolored my hair and redid my highlights. I think it looks super cute! I can also see in the pictures we took that I am losing weight, I see it most in my face. I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in pictures. I am also having to wear smaller clothes, which isn't a bad deal. My jeans have almost fallen down today, and I think I may have had another wardrobe malfunction at Starbucks today. I hope I caught it before any one saw!

Here's the plan this week: Keep getting in protein, work on nutrition goals. Tomorrow night is my first Fusion gathering. Tuesday night is my first weight loss surgery support group meeting at the hospital - should be interesting, right? Friday is my one month surgiversary which means time to step on the scale. Updates to come shortly after that.

Feel free to comment on here or Facebook and let me know you're cheering me on. :) This is a marathon, and I need all the cheerleaders I can get!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So very excited and happy for you!! I love your new pic. You look amazing. Love you Amy Lou!