Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 10 reflection

Wow - has it only been 10 days since surgery???

I have had some highs and lows, and I am trying not to let the lows get me down too far. I thought by now I'd be excited to go back to work and driving myself where I needed to be. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Today I ate the most calories since surgery - a whopping 523 calories!!! Unfortunately they were not the best decisions I could have made, and I paid for it with some severe heart burn and discomfort for over an hour. Lessons learned.

The previous days I've ranged from 180 - 320 calories, and based on that, I have not let myself get behind the wheel just yet. I also get weak after about 4 hours of being upright, so I am trying to get back into the swing of things slowly.

I was hoping I could work out a short term work from home schedule, but that doesn't seem to be an option any more. I will be coming into work for a few hours as I am able, with my poor dad working from Starbucks so he can get me quickly if I get weak so I don't deteriorate too fast.

I go back to the doctor on Wednesday, where I hope to find out if I am clear to take Lactaid, as I am suddenly lactose intolerant. I also need to find out if I can take an acid blocker and maybe calm my new tummy down.

On the plus side, my clothes are starting to fall off, so my mom and I had a short shopping spree. I am able to get my fluids in daily, and my vitamins, too! I can see a slight change in my face, and my mom is always pointing out little changes she sees.

I also posted on for people that have had the same surgery as me, to get some ideas of lactose free protein sources. Based on their recommendations, I ordered a few sample packets before I invest in a full size product. The forums on that site have been so helpful in checking my sanity and common issues that fellow surgery patients experience.

Here's hoping the next 10 days continue to get better, and that I learn my lesson in eating soon!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Great job friend!!!!