Friday, October 7, 2011

5ish week update

This past week has been pretty good. We have been walking the trail at Fowler Park pretty regularly, and I really enjoy it! When we aren't able to walk the trail, I am still working to get my walking in at the Avenues or the mall or anywhere.

Last night my brother and I walked the Cumming fair, and I actually walked about an hour and a half across the fairgrounds and back. I even resisted the fried twinkies!!! I will try to post pics maybe next week or sooner? I actually wanted my picture taken! Can you imagine? I am always the one holding the camera by choice. Great progress!

Things I am still learning:
  • Every action and function requires calories. If you only eat 300 calories throughout the day, then burn 250, you might get dizzy. Just maybe.
  • I need to keep emergency food with me so I don't almost pass out.
  • It might be time to look at smaller pants...too many almost-oopsies!
  • I should order a kid's meal or share a meal with some one.
  • Cheese fills me up faster than ANYthing
I see the doctor Thursday so I'll post updates on weight loss at that time, although I feel like such a slow loser compared to others that have had the surgery. I am still reminding myself that my body will lost weight in my body's time.

I am also still getting used to the hormonal swings. I've only had a slight breakdown with tears twice, and not really in public. Mostly it's the hot and cold flashes or anxiety sneaking in when I'm not looking. At least now when things start to feel out of control I can step back, acknowledge it's just my body adjusting to hormones, take a break, and hopefully focus my energy back where it needs to be at that time.

I am looking forward to a lot of great things through the end of the month. Stay tuned to hear more about my progress and see some fun pics.

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