Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 month update - just a little late

Day of Surgery:
December 6:
As you can see, 3 months is a huge difference! I am down 69 lbs from my heighest weight, 36 lbs from the day of surgery. Some call me a slow loser because it's "only" 12 lbs/month. I have dropped inches, and I am building muscle. I have dropped 3 jean sizes and 4 skirt sizes. I have not worn this size since my freshman year of college. I cannot even believe that. WOOHOO!

I had a hard time keeping up with exercise the week of Thanksgiving and the week after, but I am back on schedule, 5 days of cardio, 3 days of weight machines. I have also started training for a 5k in March and maybe another one in April. Hoping to jog/run more than 50% of it.
The dreaded hair loss has started, although my doctor says to anticipate it getting worse, peaking around 4-6 months, before it gets better. I am already pulling clumps of hair out every time I wash it, brush it, touch it, think of it. Hopefully I still have enough hair to not get frost bite on my scalp this winter. Ha!

My 3 month follow up went well. I was hoping to hit 50 lbs post-op by that appointment, but that's okay. The inches I've lost are unbelievable. I now have to wear petite pants...never knew I was petite proportioned.

This past weekend my friend Liz and I went to see the Grinch at the Fabulous Fox here in Atlanta. I was so excited my arms fit by my side while in my seat! I had seen Wicked with my sister in the same theatre just after surgery, and I had to keep my arms on the armrest to give myself enough room to be comfortable. What a difference 3 months can make. I am SO excited to see where I am in another 3 months.

Thank you again to all of my friends, family and supporters. You help me find motivation in every day life to propel me into greater things! May this journey continue to be sweet.

1 comment:

Karen Vaughan said...

You look Fabulous Amy! Maybe one day we might actually meet up. I went through my closet this weekend adn bagged up everything that was too big adn it was 92% of it. (donating to a womens shelter) I really couldn't believe the difference in myself at 3 months....I'm down 75lbs and yes I'm loosing my hair too! It's the little things like the arm on your side that still amaze me too. This was the best thing we could have done for ourselves! CHEERS to 2012!