Saturday, September 3, 2011

Long time no more!

It has been a long time since I have blogged specifically about my weight loss journey, but man there is a lot to share!

Through some twists and turns of life, I was able to get the laproscopic sleeve gastrectomy this past Wednesday. My surgery day was amazing, and my hospital care was incredible! I was super nauseous after surgery, though, and it took almost 24 hours to get the right combination to calm it down. Once the nausea stopped, the rest of the world looked bright.

I have some amazing family and friends that really took care of me and each other while I was out of commission. Liz came and met us at the hospital bright and early and sat with my dad and brother throughout the whole ordeal. All I remember is saying "see you on the flip side" to Liz as they wheeled me away and then asking her to pass me my glasses when I woke up in my room. I vaguely remember moaning in pain during recovery, but I don't remember feeling a ton of pain for very long.

My nurses took such great care of me. Both nights I had a nurse named Brian who was happy to stand and talk with me at 1:30 am when I couldn't sleep and he had to give me medicine. I also got out of my room a lot for strolls around the ward to try to get all the extra gas pain out of my shoulders and hurry up my release home.

Friday morning the surgeon came in, checked on my incisions, and cleared me to go home. The papers were all signed by the time my mom and brother came to pick me up. I got home in one piece and have been doing wonderful since!

I am on full liquids now which means I get to have strained cream based soups and 1% milk, etc. The hardest part is finding room in the fridge for all the soups I've opened. ha! I thought I'd be able to enjoy my greek yogurt/sf cheesecake pudding mixture to get in some extra protein, but I literally had a few bites and my stomach would take no more.

I also have toddler sippy cups and baby food bowls to help me eat/drink the right portions. I have to make 8 oz last an entire hour, and I can't drink for 30 minutes after I eat. This means in order for me to get my 64 oz of fluids in each day, I am literally drinking or eating most of the day.

The one thing that has helped me the most is this binder the doctor gave me - think really large ace bandage specifically made to go around your abdomen. I can make it as tight as I want to, and it helps take the pressure off my incisions. Speaking of incisions, it looks a little like Morse code. ha!

I'm sorry if this is all scatter brained, but my body is getting used to consuming around 300 calories a day now, and it may take a little while for me to be back to 100%.

I will head to the gym with my brother tomorrow to walk the track - I have to get 30 minutes of walking in each day, and while my brother will most likely walk nonstop for over an hour, I plan on walking 10 minutes, resting a few minutes, walking 10 minutes, resting a few minutes, walking 10 minutes then hanging out until he's ready to come home.

Weight loss tally: My highest weight as of my first visit to my dr over a year ago was 333 lbs. The day of my surgery (Aug 31), my weight was 300 lb. I will not be stepping on the scales again until my 2 week check up, but I am excited to follow the plan step by step and see where it takes me.

Thank you for sticking with me on this journey!


Karen Vaughan said...

Amy. I'm so happy your blogging about this important life altering change. I look forward to seeing your progress and you are inspiring me through mine as well I say one day next year we take a trip to wear our skinny clothes :-)

Karen Vaughan

Lisa S. said...

You go girl! I am so happy for you.